Monday, 7 November 2011

Little Update.

Some added wrinkle detail. Almost done with this guys face and head. Just some minor refinements before i finish up his torso and straps. Stay tuned!!!

Saturday, 29 October 2011


Its been awhile since Ive posted! I took of to Hawaii for a week in the beginning of October and when I came back, some changes needed to be made.
A friend of mine, Damien (who is an amazing sculptor and friend) wanted to see where I was at with Moloch.  So I asked him to take a look and get some feed back. Damien knows his craft inside and out, so what ever he says I take it 100% seriously. And what he told me was to make Moloch less fictional and more factual, by this he meant give it more human features and structural anatomy. And really push my shapes and medium masses.

So after a few variations and revisions, this is where I am with him. And I must say I am more than happy with the way he is turning out so far. I put in a lot of time and effort into studying proper facial anatomy and human head reference. I must say Thank you Damien for pointing me in the right direction! And looking at the Moloch post(s) prior to he sure looked like shit! Thats what you get when you are trying to make stuff (anatomy) up without reference (I was focusing on what a mish mash of ape creature and human would look like). Big FAIL!

But there is still lots to do so stay tuned!

Sunday, 11 September 2011

Wrinkles are just knowledge lines!

Minor update. Started defining and puffing up his facial wrinkles as well as giving some minor surface detail to the skin.This has helped to break up the surface and give me a visual means to find natural looking wrinkle lines.

I just started retopology in Topogun so i can start bringing in more detail in the horns and shoulder areas.

I think once I retopo this guy, ill be giving him the same wrinkle treatment as Moloch. No I haven't updated this guy as Moloch has been a fun one to plug away at it. But his scrotification will be happening soon enough!

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Hello ladies! Do you like my muscles??

So I ended my contract at EA Canada this past Friday, and today (Monday) I started up again on this guy since my last post. As you know this started off on my lunch hour and I decided to keep plugging away at it. But in the past week I wasn't able to work on his handsomeness, Lord Moloch of the Banana hammocks, due work and wrapping up the game.

But tonight I managed to squeeze some time in, before bed. So here is a little update!

Whats new? Well the base muscle forms were re-cut and I started to layout the wrinkles in the face. Ive been looking at the works of Kenichi Nishida and I really love the way he approaches the fleshy face wrinkles on his characters. So Ive been delicately cutting in roughly where i want some prominent wrinkles to go. That's about it! Oh and i gave him a slight lip curl on his left side....meeeoooow!

Friday, 26 August 2011

Can you feel the base!!!!

Here is a little update. Adjusted some of his features a bit. More so in the jaw and Traps department. I added the base and logo, which for now I'm happy with. Not sure if i want to damage it or make it new and slick looking (which would be a nice contrast).

Still working on the pectoral anatomy but almost pleased with it. It will soon be time to dump him in mudbox and detail him. I like the paint tools in mudbox way more than zbrush!

Got one week left at EA Canada and its going to be a busy one, so i probably wont be working on anything personal for the next week. So sit tight and stay tuned!

Monday, 22 August 2011

Moloch-chu I choose you!!!!

New update today. Added the straps this afternoon and refined some details. I tried giving some lower jaw/chin winkles just to see how it would look, but i think I'm going to tone it down. Too many directional lines causing un wanted focus to the mouth :P

Going to get this piece prepped for final detailing by the end of this week. Still lots to do (retopo, start details and refine, etc.) Moloch still has a ways to go yet! So stay tuned!


Fixed the mouth wrinkles. They bothered me a lot. Started to do some asymmetry to the face, but it has been busy today so not a lot of down time to work on Moloch today.

Thursday, 18 August 2011


Just some minor things....haven't lunch crunched in the last 2 days and decided to work on these on the down times at work.

Monday, 15 August 2011

Moloch Lunch crunch

So today, some co workers and I decided to do a lunch crunch. Sculpt a quick rendition of a character within the 1hr time frame that we had.  So our theme was Mortal Kombat and we each picked a character, I picked one Ive never herd of "Molcoh". Ive played the first 3 MK games when they came out in the 90's and that was it, but i thought this guy was rather interesting.

WoW am I slow today! I think my problem is that I was too worried about the details and not focusing on the form. I was also fighting the geo alot! We got this base mesh from a co worker that uses it for his busts, and I really hate the geo around the eyes! Felt like I was always working in the eye sockets because they never looked right.

Anyway I will work on this guy at a later date, it  was fun and we will be doing  another 1hr sculpt tomorrow! Cause Im a bit sloooooow today.

Friday, 5 August 2011

Wip Wip Wip from my wacom tip!

Haven't done too much since last post. Still playing around with the fabric/torso area and being a bit picky with it because i need to retopo and i only want to retop once.

Ill be back on the head come next week. Stay tuned!

Thursday, 28 July 2011


So over the last few days for about 10-15 min I had at lunch to attack this guy, Ive made the wrinkles in the fabric/his uniform and adjusted his mug. Here's a little snap shot of what he looks like now! Today I attacked his Torso area and defined the wrinkles in the uniform. A little more tweaking and then back to his face (still no defined plans for his collar yet).

Stay tuned!

Side note!! Long weekend ahead so might be a few days before I post more of this guy. But there maybe some more Tiger pending :P

Monday, 25 July 2011


Behold! The Alien bust I called Akbar!!! (Because he has eyes like Admiral Akbar from Return of the Jedi).

So this is based of my Alien "Blarp" Painting that I still have to complete. This is a Zbrush sculpt done during my lunch over the last few days for 20 min at a time. Its slowly coming together. I think the base sculpt is almost done. Maybe another lunch or two before I can start detailing it, but I need to retopo it first. My plan is to Retop and dump it into mudbox and finish it off in there. Why mudbox you ask? Because I like it!
I know there are Hardcore Zbrush supporters out there, and that's fine! I just consider it a tool and If one tool can perform a function in a manner I like I will use it, and if it doesn't then i will use another tool to get the task done!
So hate on me if you want, its cool :P

Tiger Add-On!

Still plugging away. Didn't get a chance to work on it for the past 2 weeks, but I did this weekend! I added the fenders (still tweaking the damaged look to them) and refining and adding engine deck components.
The engine deck has a lot of tedious detail that will be added and tweaked over the next few sessions i think.

Also Ill be posting images of my lunch time WIP project. Its based off my character alien painting found here...which a WIP   :P  Derp!

Till then...stay tuned!

Friday, 8 July 2011

Hello Kitty!!!

As promised!

Some more WIP's of the Tiger, work that has been done off and on over the last month (some evenings and weekends). Still quite a bit of work to go and I hope to get all the major components built by the end of the month. But with things at work starting to pick up, I think the upcoming late nights at the office and all the weekend sun we have been getting might slow production down a bit.

But time is a ticking, and this beast needs to transform and roll out!

Saturday, 2 July 2011


So its been over a month since I've last posted. My reason for slacking is....FIFA 12. Last month has been quite busy at EA Canada. I am a part of a large team of artists plugging away on FIFA uniforms and I think in total there are over 1500 in total :P 

Photoshop and I have been spending a few late nights together, but its not as romantic as it sounds.

But because i havent posted anymore WIPS of my TIGER I, doesnt mean I havent been working on it. Quite the opposite! Ill be posting images of my pretty kitty this week, so stay tuned!

Monday, 23 May 2011

Meow Meow!

So here is a look at my Panzerkampfwagen Tiger Ausf. E (Tiger 1 E Late). I've been plugging away at this for the last 2 months, and its been slow going. I only get to touch this beast about an hour a day, but so far it has been fun! I haven't made a vehicle in 3D ever!!!! So I decided to tackle something a little more complex than the usual sports car that newbies build when tasked to build a vehicle.

I'm not a car guy, I love tanks!

Built mostly maya and a little XSI here and there (as maya is lacking in the fast poly modeling tools that XSI has). I'm 95% done with the turret and can start moving down to the main hull and tracks. I want to add the spare track links to the side of the turret before i go buck wild on the main hull.

My end goal is to have this bad ass kitty placed in a environment in which it would be most at home in. But so far the environment is in the concept stage and not blocked out.

Monday, 16 May 2011

Sketchy sketch!

So here is a little sketch i started a few months ago and I have been ever so slowly chipping away at it. My Tiger tank model (which i will post shortly) has been eating up my creative time. And when i need a break i pick up my book, pencil and start sketching away. As you can see there are 2 images! The larger one i started about a year or two ago....probably a year...and i was inspired to create a character  that had seen some long and difficult years on the front. And I'm a big fan of the WWII German winter long coats, and had the urge to draw a character in one.I really like the cut of their jibb!

But thats not the sketch I've been chipping away at, no its the other the right. It started off as something else but i guess the other sketch influenced its creation, cause behold...there's another soldier character with a long coat.The back story was along the lines of 'what if'  this guy got shot int the face, removing his mouth and his throat. He survived his injuries and was fortunate enough to live in a world in a time and place where this tech was available. The neck brace is to keep his head up, as the damage sustained from the shell impact too care of supportive neck muscles. It helps to keep throat passages open, and the device that fits in his mouth hole is a  device for communication. Also known as a voice box (very original...i know).

My goal is to finish this sketch within the next week, but in the mean time...back to modeling my killer kitty...PzKpfw VI E!!!

Saturday, 14 May 2011


So i started this painting months ago, and still havent gotten time to finish it. I ended up getting my job back at EA CANADA and havent really had time to focus on doing any 2D work since. Instead ive been working on the 3D stuff and have been focusing on punching out a hard surface model (Tiger tank E) and a new environment, in hopes i can scoop up a non character job (just for a change of pace) after my contract at EA CANADA ends.

What inspired me to do this? Well I wanted to sculpt a 3D alien character and needed a design to follow. And for some reason i kept invisioning this bug eyed thing with some juicey lips standing in a bathroom with tiled walls, watching me pee. Dont know why i thought of that but i did so weird.

P-Rex now in 3D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So considering this is a WIP blog, where I post my WIP, here is my first WIP shots of P-Rex. The first 3 posts were the 2D platforms/build up for posting this! A 3D P-Rex...woooooooooo. I am still working on my P-Rexy but I have taken a break form it and started working on other things. But i wanted to show some images of where i left off.
Done in maya and Zbrush, im still sculpting this bad boy and hope to get it finished and rigged up to animate. I dont like rigging or animating so im working in collaboration with my good friend Mattias Brunosson (who is an amazing animator and rigger) to complete my vision of P-Rex. Hopefully I can get this baby done by the end of 2011!

P-Rex detail

Im a nut for detail, and painting the skin texture on this was a blast! Yes, drawing/painting skin details and wrinkles is a rollercoaster ride of awesome for me! WoOt!!!

P-Rex Design Round 2

First off i must say that i got into making art and working in the entertainment industry thanks to one little film. That film was...Jurassic Park :P
As a kid I was in love with movies and dinosaurs, and in 1991 Jurassic Park was my biggest nerdgasim rolled into one (other than Return of the Jedi). I went to see the film 4 times in theaters, and 3 of those times were all by myself. I was blown away, and I was even more blown away when the "making of Jurassic park" book showed up at a book store i just happened to be at. Seeing the work of Mark "CRASH" McCreery and his contribution to that film made me weak in the knees. I already loved drawing by this time, but to see pencil renderings of dinosaurs in a realistic manner just blew me away. I knew at that moment what I wanted to do for the rest of my life, make art for film and if possible, draw like Mark "CRASH" McCreery.

Fast forward up until now and, i still haven't made art for film (tv and video games thus far), but my drawing skills are close to what I wanted them to be. And so I decided to go all out on this piece (within the time I had) and make an image that was inspired by the work of Mark "CRASH" McCreery.

So here is the final design for my Piranhasaurus Rex concept, completed in photoshop and based off a nightmarish bulldog named Linda!

I'm pretty happy with the final result, there is some stuff i would like to address on this image, but ill take those concerns and apply them on my next Dino-concept piece.

Piranhasaurus Rex

So I had this idea rattling around my little brain for over a year or so. I got the inspiration from playing with a friends bulldog.
This dog liked to attack your feet and attempt to eat your toes, but if there was anything in your hands, it would fly up and latch onto your now bleeding digits with a formidable death grip.
So id find myself looking down at this ugly beast, with a case of severe snaggle teeth and a exaggerated under bite, standing on its hind legs growling like some constipated beast. Then it snapped into my are a cross between a Piranha and at Tyrannosaurus. BAM!!!! The idea of Piranhasaurus Rex was born.

This image was done in my sketchbook and it is a first draft of the P-Rex design.